This is an LED clock that uses a GBA cart's RTC as the clock source.
Clock displayed as 24 hr or AM/PM
Game title displayed when cart is inserted (can be disabled in options)
RGB color selected depending on the cart or override the color from the options
Brightness adjustment using the buttons (when in non-custom color mode)
Ability to set RTC hour, date, time
Ability to set a time when the clock turns off and turns back on, useful if you don't want it on at night. E.g. turns off at 11:30pm and back on at 8:00am
Simple animation when no cart is inserted
Insert a GBA flash cart with a specific format and have your text displayed on the screen moving right to left repeatedly with a color you specify on the cart.
There is a known issue where the LEDs will quickly flash when the system is powered on.
To access the options, hold down the bottom button for 2 seconds and release.
Once in the options, press the bottom button to move to the next option and the top button to change the setting.
To exit the options, hold the bottom button for 2 seconds.
Choose where you will have the default color or a custom color you can set
Change the red brightness on the custom color
Change the green brightness on the custom color
Change the blue brightness on the custom color
Display the cartridge name when inserting it
Display the time in 24 hours
If not in 24 hour time, display a little dot on the bottom right to indicate PM
For Pokémon GBA RTC cartridges, there is an RTC offset in the save file and if it's not zero which is usually the case, you will need to enable the offset so the time displayed is correct
Allows you to set the RTC time. Press the top button to change the value and the bottom button to proceed minutes and then hours.
If enabled, the clock will turn off at a certain time and turn back on at another time. You will see a little red dot on the top left when this occurs.
The hour the clock will turn off
The minute the clock will turn off
The hour the clock will turn on
The minute the clock will turn on